Nothing can be more important than the support of our volunteers. Without you, we would be unable to maintain the success and experiences provided to the students through the Mighty Rebel Band Organization. Below, you will find information relevant to help us continue our strong support.
To be an approved volunteer, you must first complete the online volunteer background check, then forward your approval email to [email protected]
A background check must be completed yearly!
A background check must be completed yearly!
Want to know what you can expect as a Band Chaperone/Volunteer? You can read our Volunteer Guidelines HERE.
Involvement | Support | Connecting
Our Volunteers serve so many purposes throughout the year and without them, our success as a program would be very limited. As a volunteer, not only do you get the opportunity to connect with and getting to know these GREAT teens, your contribution ensures that our program will benefit students for years to come.
We Want You!
We need your help! What a fun way to be involved up close and personal with your child's talent!
We need many hands to help all during the year from helping with water during summer band & regular practices, riding the bus to games and contests (no gas, no parking), helping load for games, helping with Friday meals, working at games, working events, helping with all the different committees, putting band aids on boo boos, setting up & breaking down for concerts, chaperoning parties/trips, and the list goes on and on!
Our Volunteers serve so many purposes throughout the year and without them, our success as a program would be very limited. As a volunteer, not only do you get the opportunity to connect with and getting to know these GREAT teens, your contribution ensures that our program will benefit students for years to come.
We Want You!
We need your help! What a fun way to be involved up close and personal with your child's talent!
We need many hands to help all during the year from helping with water during summer band & regular practices, riding the bus to games and contests (no gas, no parking), helping load for games, helping with Friday meals, working at games, working events, helping with all the different committees, putting band aids on boo boos, setting up & breaking down for concerts, chaperoning parties/trips, and the list goes on and on!